f'n` title goes f'n` here

вторник, 2 октября 2007 г.

Статусы и К-Статусы. Часть II - "Neither a SPY, nor Mars-Is-Ours" Returns


...and also was FYIed... alone one to iron-bear Āąçîėê ÖĜ, others all to copy-paste it...

unrestrained habitual Āąçîėê ÖĜ causes hopeless penury of senses and FUFME-syndrome. However, it is fun.

The successful Āąçîėê ÖĜ requires the following: sense of satisfaction, children, wife, house, dog, and English Lawn (optional).

Both pre-Āąçîėê ÖĜ exertion and post-Āąçîėê ÖĜ chill are the coolest things of the Āąçîėê ÖĜ process. The deployment may also ...

Minute Maid {m}ad(s?): United Colors of Āąçîėê ÖĜ

Good medium rare Āąçîėê ÖĜ-es are exceptionally rare.

Even the deep-water Āąçîėê ÖĜ can run dry. To stay alive, drown-out Āąçîėê ÖĜ-es hide in the industrial forest.

Ugh... doctor, you know, my Āąçîėê ÖĜ... it talks!

Āąçîėê ÖĜ vocabulary: "John has been pollarded by Destiny, so he was now to grow up straight." ... Pp..pardon?

Āąçîėê ÖĜ vocabulary (special De Niro edition): "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? "

(scratch) tss!.. i've heard a scratch.. (scratch) Oh, no! It's the Āąçîėê ÖĜ !!! (scratch-scratch) Houston!! We have a problem!!!

Mmmm... Āąçîėê ÖĜ likes Vanilla CosmoStars! ... delicate flesh under thin metal shell...mmm.. rare but sooo juicy!

Āąçîėê ÖĜ: smile of wooden-capped Jacques-Yves, rude A-s to eternal Q-s, and a pair of used sheep-eye implantates as a mascot.

T-mood of this Āąçîėê ÖĜ : fat skugvurs ... cold water... tobacco dreams ... stuck in for a season or two... elk?

Diet Kong: The Doors, Āąçîėê ÖĜ, and sudden hearty, loud, raucous, uproarious laughter. Apes?

Āąçîėê ÖĜ reflections: turquoise and gold, flowers and lions, argil and blood. long long rain and prayers...

Āąçîėê ÖĜ urban-industrial environment and U-code: Vodka, Seledka, Dacha. Sputnik? Neee, luchok & pokhmelyasha. Eshe parochku!

If Āąçîėê ÖĜ sees no way out, it comes into use. "..The supper relished quite as well as any I ever ate in the Old Country..." ;)

Āąçîėê ÖĜ movie: lines below, lights above, and strange voices from the petrol tank. "..Dress the victim to the offering up!" :)

Āąçîėê ÖĜ variants of the Āąçîėê ÖĜ universe: Naive Husband, Speechless Lover, and, of course, Attractive Drunkard. Taxi Driver?

Pre-Āąçîėê ÖĜ settings: "...lack of distinctness. all sorts of propensities..." and rocket-ozonesonde-phobia. jacked? u r in!

"I, Can." or "I, Ken." ? i don't Āąçîėê ÖĜ, however the former is handsomely minimalistic. But what of them is more dangerous?

Your Daily Āąçîėê ÖĜ Link/Ad/_race-HEAT: www.explodingdog.com

Beeing Āąçîėê ÖĜ-chased? Hold Tight! Free Willy... "Chase after Anne and ask her to get some eggs while she's at the shops."

Tiss Mod about the Āąçîėê ÖĜ:"..Beeing from Q1-345 never seriously confused me in the company of other Āąçîėê ÖĜ people. ::] "

No sleep till Āąçîėê ÖĜ !!!

Recently appeared "Car M-Speed M-Trance" style is the breathe of new Āąçîėê ÖĜ. Hey - viva the second copy. Gone Side-B-ing

... may be accompanied by a sense of Āąçîėê ÖĜ and invulnerability

...and the spirits told me: "V-day is fucking Old School, W-weekend is more fucking Āąçîėê ÖĜ"

Being part of the mixture is not the same as beeing part of the bubble. Beeing part of the Āąçîėê ÖĜ is a matter of Āąçîėê ÖĜ.

" - There is no European country in which ecclesiastical societies..." Fine with Āąçîėê ÖĜ.

Āąçîėê ÖĜ life: Pppshshsh, different layers, contrasts. Donno how valuable it is. I can always make a close copy.

Beeing part of the egg-shaped suppositories is not necessary for a true Āąçîėê ÖĜ adept. Emotions / Vibrations / Rhythm are.

_irRĀąçîėê ÖĜize:"...then I cheered the cheeper of mine with usual "Cheer thee, my boy!", and that helped..."

Āąçîėê ÖĜ helps from F.E.A.R. which is neither far nor near. Paintball helps from post-Āąçîėê ÖĜ invulnerability feeling.

I can talk with Āąçîėê ÖĜ through the bubbles in my brain. Āąçîėê ÖĜ can talk with the bubbles in my brain through me. Nice story.

stuck-at-X is not the same as 0-on-stick. Care multiplying them? Āąçîėê ÖĜ bubble says he would not mind to eat my mind. It's ...

Start your day with a breakfast featuring Yaounde Wurzelstocken. End your day with "Āąçîėê ÖĜ, casual Āąçîėê ÖĜ". dn't_drnk_2m

Sunshine, Stony Beach, Delicate smell of mazut and sea. Bareness, Dike, and Āąçîėê ÖĜ. Wind and Pepsi. Dialectic(s) ? who C!

Eacxh baxd tryx verges you towards the Āąçîėê ÖĜ. However, it is ... to decide whether you like it deep, vicarious or vice versa.

Q6S36S is not the same as Āąçîėê ÖĜ, is it? "I think it's a bunch of Q6S36S, myself." - sounds like a ...-with-clingstones.

Facing not-Āąçîėê ÖĜ situations appropriately and not loosing the Āąçîėê ÖĜ is the best test but the worst thingie-2-hap.

..and was also told that purely universal Āąçîėê ÖĜ is not universe-specific. Save the Underneath Ones as undernourish are they..

Please select the Āąçîėê ÖĜ - to live in or live up to. * Please do not enter the name of your favourite MMORPG here - unless ...

"Gimme a kiss to build a dream on"-game and other similar activities result in lack of Āąçîėê ÖĜ fears for some of us.

Āąçîėê ÖĜ Cocktail of the Insight: "Mars Is Ours!". Not as good as SPY, but is always ready to be tried nearby.

Feeding fishies with bananas - helps. To enjoy your Āąçîėê ÖĜ, start with defining it. "Pozhe vylozhu photo" (c) by i-fly.

Current Mood: загадочный язык синих кирпичей
Current Music: Thai Police Karaoke / "Eternal, Epic, and Ether"